How It All Started...
"Our personal history with this city spans over two decades. It is the city where we began our journey as a married couple; where we returned to the Lord and received the call into the ministry; where we experienced a community-wide revival under Administrative Bishop Ray Garner; and where our first child, Gabriel, was born. Brunswick has always held a special place in our hearts. We have always known there was a
community impacting vision and mantel still open here.
community impacting vision and mantel still open here.
The Expansion...
In 1998 at a service in Brunswick, a man of God said as he was coming into the city in the spirit, "the city limit sign read Burning-wick not Brunswick." In June 2011, we felt the call of the Lord to return to our spiritual birth place and begin a new work.
On August 31, 2011 we relocated to Brunswick to plant a church and build a local team to speak and declare life through the love of God in this community.
Pastor Jamie Jackson
On August 31, 2011 we relocated to Brunswick to plant a church and build a local team to speak and declare life through the love of God in this community.
Pastor Jamie Jackson

Where we are headed...
Our vision for the city of Brunswick:
To raise up a culture of people that SPEAK LIFE and LOVE WELL
To create a community of people who through Life Groups will disciple their
community with the Word of God
To evangelize a city for a Remnant who are lost and discover Jesus who is
relevant in their lives
To witness more than a revival but a movement of God's Spirit, that THIS city,
BRUNSWICK, might become a place of refuge for ones to run
To join with local pastors and kingdom leaders bringing unity to the Body of
Christ so that trust and honor can be restored
To transform a city and shift the atmosphere through prayer with the heart of
night and day worship and intercession
To raise up a culture of people that SPEAK LIFE and LOVE WELL
To create a community of people who through Life Groups will disciple their
community with the Word of God
To evangelize a city for a Remnant who are lost and discover Jesus who is
relevant in their lives
To witness more than a revival but a movement of God's Spirit, that THIS city,
BRUNSWICK, might become a place of refuge for ones to run
To join with local pastors and kingdom leaders bringing unity to the Body of
Christ so that trust and honor can be restored
To transform a city and shift the atmosphere through prayer with the heart of
night and day worship and intercession