Life Groups

We speak life and love well….We build relationships in the world that we call home. We invade our community with the Love of God through small group meetings where people feel at home, loved and accepted. But it goes much deeper than that….life groups say we care about what you care about and we are willing to meet you on your ground so that lifelong relationships can be built as we travel this road called life together, disciplining while loving people where they are and challenging each other to a deeper walk with Jesus.
Small Groups consist of 4-15 people who meet regularly to study God’s word and just talk about life. It is an environment where people pray, care for and encourage one another. Most groups meet in homes, but also can be found at local coffee shops, restaurants or the church’s facility.

Miracle Monday

In this significant season, we need a fresh outpouring of supernatural power and breakthrough that only God can supply. Here at Remnant Church, we have birthed a culture of prayer that changes lives from the inside out. Join us every Monday as we pause, listen and pray to believe God for miracles, signs and wonders and a move of God in our community, city and nation.